Phone A Mommy Blog

November 22, 2020

Babies Aren’t As Sneaky As They Think!

 I don’t know why babies have this universal notion that they can hide when they’ve gone poopoo in their abdl diapers. It seems to be imprinted on our DNA, that a baby will, at the very least once, try to hide themselves away to keep from getting a diaper change. It’s always fairly obvious what’s happening, but I suppose that babies don’t have a whole lot of external awareness yet. If they can smell that poopy diaper, chances are that I can too! If a look downward can show them that their diaper changing colors, getting soaked and lumpy… well, you get the idea. I suppose that they think they might have a chance with only one aunt or mommy to watch them, hope does spring eternal after all. But when there is an entire […]
October 25, 2020

Silly Baby Forced To Use His Diapers!

Putting on these silly diapers was Billy’s idea, and he knew it. He had the hardest time admitting to his Aunt Brenda what he wanted to do, so afraid that she would be disgusted or horrified at the idea of him wearing diapers, or she could have just laughed at how ridiculous he was being. She didn’t do any of those things! Told him that was absolutely fine (that she wouldn’t mind having him as baby around the house again!) and they went out to buy him a few things, and bought even more online, abdl diapers that they wouldn’t be able to buy in any brick and mortar store near them. Disposable diaper with baby print, cloth diapers with the cutest patterns on them, along with crinkly plastic diaper covers that he thought anyone […]
October 6, 2020

Abdl Going On A Public Outing!

“All right, time to get out of the car, dear. I’m starving, how about you?” Aunt Brenda watched him with the tiniest smirk as she talked, like she was amused about his reaction. Ronnie wasn’t sure why his face would be so funny, since he knew the look he was giving her and the restaurant that she pulled up to could only be described as horrified. He looked down at himself, buckled into his car seat and wearing what could not an anyway be described as something a grown man would wear. Blue-striped onesie underneath a pair of shortalls, a very obvious diaper bulge underneath that… it was bad enough that he was riding in the car like this but going into a public place was too much! He argued about, told Aunt Brenda No! […]
September 28, 2020

Diaper Change In Front Of Everyone!

Craig frantically rummaged through his backpack, horrified to realize that he had forgotten to pack his extra diapers this morning! His wet diaper was close to sagging and it felt like if he pressed his thighs too close together that it would start to leak. He scurried out of the grocery store bathroom and made a straight line for the diaper aisle, hoping that he could find some  that would fit him, at least well enough for him to get home before anything bad happened. He nearly had a brand picked out when he heard some giggling close by and looked out the corner of his eye to see two pretty young ladies whispering to each other while they looked at him. Were they staring at his pants? Was his diaper bulging out that much? […]
September 20, 2020

Lazy Day For A Baby

Tim sat cross-legged in his playpen, stacking his wooden blocks into towers and blocks to get ready for his cuddly teddy bear to come rampaging through and knocking them all down. Once he was bored with that, he laid down on his back and kicked his feet up, still playing with his teddy bear and playing with his toesy-woesy’s as he listened to his Aunt Brenda fussing about in the kitchen getting lunch ready. Her soft humming relaxed him so much that he started nodding off, rolling over onto his side to curl up and suck on his thumb. Tim drifted into that comfy half dosing state, lovely dreams of playing with his toys with Aunt Brenda dancing through his head. He was startled awake for a few seconds when he could feel the back […]
September 13, 2020

Poor Little Sissy Baby Gets Humiliated!

Greg watched with trepidation as his Auntie Brenda pulled up to one of her favorite dress salons. He didn’t want to go in there, all the ladies would laugh at him! It had been horrible enough just driving to here in her convertible with the top down so that all the vehicles could clearly see him and what she had made him wear for this outing. All he could do was blush in humiliation as the people that passed them stared at him in his baby bonnet, crop top, thigh high stockings, and thick abdl diaper. Some just stared while others took pictures on their phones as they laughed at him… some truckers even honked at him! He wanted to tell Aunt Brenda that she was mean and nasty for doing this to him, but […]
September 7, 2020

Diaper Girl Fun!

Aunt Brenda 1-888-430-2010 Click Here to chat with a phone sex mommy! #abdl #abdlgirl #diapergirl #adultbabygirl #adultbaby #diaperkink #ddlg
August 30, 2020

Spankings For All That Need Them

Adult babies and diaper lovers get up to naughty things sometimes, for sure, and need to be punished for what they get up to. Talking over the phone to my charges makes it rather difficult to personally apply the necessary discipline that they need, though, so some guided instructions are required in these situations. Getting self-spanked can be an effective encouragement to behave and is cathartic for some. Bare-handed doesn’t work all that well, long paddles, crops, and especially leather belts are perfect for this, you really need something with some length to it. Wooden spoons work as well, but they aren’t my favorite, that spot will always be the leather belt. The range of force you can apply behind it is greater and the sting of it is always a good thing when getting […]
August 16, 2020

Turned Into A Baby By Your New Neighbor! (part 1)

Ben slowly woke up, something slowly wiggling into his head that things didn’t feel quite right. He started to stretch out, but his arms and legs felt sluggish and unresponsive. That’s when he heard someone giggling right over top of him and his opened his eyes to see new neighbor Tawny leaning over… a crib? He looked around and saw that was exactly what he was in, a baby’s crib. He went to go sit up, and still couldn’t get his body to do what he wanted, but his arms shot out while he was straining and he was beyond shocked to see the short smooth arms of a baby instead of his own hairy ones! He looked at Tawny to ask her what the hell was happening but all that came out was baby […]