Phone A Mommy Blog

November 30, 2020

My Diaper Stash

  I love potty training little ones, it makes me feel good that they are trying to become little adults!! but I also love training them because it gives me a chance to see everything I may not be able to see later, or maybe what I may be getting myself into!! I know you will just love to let […]
November 22, 2020

Babies Aren’t As Sneaky As They Think!

 I don’t know why babies have this universal notion that they can hide when they’ve gone poopoo in their abdl diapers. It seems to be imprinted on our DNA, that a baby will, at the very least once, try to hide themselves away to keep from getting a diaper change. It’s always fairly obvious what’s happening, but I suppose that […]
October 13, 2020

A Little Encouragement To Have Some Accidents

I’ve been rather mean to one of my nephews lately. He’s twenty-two, attractive, and he knows it. Cocky, arrogant, pick any synonym… He’s a bit of an asshole, to be honest, and could certainly be taken down a peg or two. That’s why I offered for him to come to my house after he’d had a night out, my house […]
September 28, 2020

Diaper Change In Front Of Everyone!

Craig frantically rummaged through his backpack, horrified to realize that he had forgotten to pack his extra diapers this morning! His wet diaper was close to sagging and it felt like if he pressed his thighs too close together that it would start to leak. He scurried out of the grocery store bathroom and made a straight line for the […]
September 20, 2020

Roger’s Public Humiliation At The Dorm

  I spent a shit load of money for Roger’s education.  As my only son I of course want nothing but the best for him.  He was a stellar student until I started getting vague responses from him regarding his grades. I then decided to call the school and I was told that grades are confidential and cannot be shared […]
September 20, 2020

Lazy Day For A Baby

Tim sat cross-legged in his playpen, stacking his wooden blocks into towers and blocks to get ready for his cuddly teddy bear to come rampaging through and knocking them all down. Once he was bored with that, he laid down on his back and kicked his feet up, still playing with his teddy bear and playing with his toesy-woesy’s as […]