Phone A Mommy Blog

November 30, 2022

Eric Has Some Diaper Fun With Mommy Amanda! (part 2)

Eric Has Some Diaper Fun With Mommy Amanda! (part 2): (first part) “Use your diaper like a good baby. Fill it up, wet it, and let me feel it warm against my hand!” Mommy Amanda whispered in Eric’s ear, and with a low whimper, he did what she told him to do. Babies should do what mommy wants them to do (he knows that, yes, yes, but he shouldn’t want to do what he was just told to do, but he does), and whatever part of him wasn’t already flush with excitement turned red from embarrassment as he let his bladder go. He felt his diaper grow warm and heavier on his skin. Amanda murmured a low ‘good boy’ as her fingers squeezed his now wet diaper, pressing against his peepee through it, and he couldn’t […]
November 27, 2022

Sweet and Sassy

    Sweet and Sassy: Mommy just loves taking her pretty little sissy shopping. There are just so many adorable outfits and dresses to choose from. And a definite must are the pretty little pants under that dress and over that diaper. And there’s nothing cuter than when you come out in each outfit and show it off for mommy. Your twirls show off your lovely little pants and make mommy very happy. And mommy just loves to see you blush, with cheeks the same shade of pink as your pants. Mommy watches you try on everything from pretty dresses to frilly skirts. Mommy’s favorite thing to do is show off her sassy little sissy.  You will be the center of attention, everyone will notice you and your cute clothes.  And mommy will be so […]
November 20, 2022

See What Happens When You Misbehave

    See What Happens When You Misbehave: Mommy will punish you if you are bad. Mommy likes to give spankings, and if you are naughty and need to be disciplined, mommy will make sure that little bottom of yours gets a good lashing. The sharp sting of each swat will cause you to gasp and hiss with pain. When mommy spanks, she utilizes anything and everything within reach to blister that bottom. Sometimes mommy’s hand is just not enough. Depending on the severity of the crime will determine what kind of spanking you deserve. No matter what mommy uses, mommy wants to see that bottom darken and mommy wants to feel the welts as they swell and spread. Once mommy is done with you, you won’t be sitting too well, and that bottom will […]
November 13, 2022

Mommy’s Misbehaving Little Nymph

    Mommy’s Misbehaving Little Nymph: It seems every time Mommy leaves the room, you get into some mischief. Silly girl, you just can’t keep your hands off yourself, can you? And I bet that diaper is getting wetter by the minute. That little pussycat is just dripping away in that diaper, isn’t it? Mommy just loves to watch you squirm in your diaper as you play with your perky boobies and pinch your hard little nipples. Makes mommy’s pussycat wet as well. Mommy should take you out of your crib so we can play together. That inflatable crib is just so much fun, maybe mommy should join you instead. We will get so excited and so wet that we will make your crib a slip and slide. At least cleaning up should be easy. […]
October 30, 2022

Mommy Has the Perfect Costume Picked Out for You

    Mommy Has the Perfect Costume Picked Out for You: Mommy can’t wait to get you “dressed” up and show you off this Halloween. You will be pretty in pink, right down to that swirly little tail. That’s right, a tail And let’s not forget the snout and ears as well.  You are going to be mommy’s cute little piggy this year. You can strut around in this very simple outfit.And, of course, you can’t just look the part, you also have to act the part.  Mommy wants to hear little snorts and oinks emitting from your cute little pig’s mouth. And mommy wants to see you swish your little pink corkscrew tail around as you wallow around on the floor. Everyone is going to know exactly what you are, even though you will […]
October 23, 2022

Sexy Night Out

  Sexy Night Out: There are so many ideas for Halloween costumes. From cute to scary to sexy, anything your imagination can come up with The possibilities are endless. So many to choose from, and the one constant with any of my choices is a diaper, of course. Maybe incorporate a little sexy with my scary this year. Sadly, there is no diaper with this costume, but I think I can fix that. Anything can be made into an ABD themed outfit; you just have to add a diaper. And goodness knows, I have plenty of diapers. Would you give me candy, or would you give me something more fitting to my costume? If I have been a naughty girl, will I get punished? And how will you punish me? Will I cry in pain […]
October 23, 2022

Monster Fun with Me

  Monster Fun with Me: Halloween is coming up in a week, and I am so excited. I just love dressing up and having fun. Halloween is my most favorite holiday ever! And definitely the one time of the year where you can wear a diaper without any repercussions. This year I’m thinking of something like Frankenstein, but cuter and diapered. A pretty little diapered monster that will scare the pants off of you But no worries; I have lots of extra diapers if that happens. Being a diaper girl and a lover of the ABD lifestyle makes me prepared for all emergencies. Halloween is the perfect holiday for fetish lovers like me. And of course, all the candy I get for being a scary monster is an added bonus. I may not know for […]
October 16, 2022

Mommy’s Silly Baby

  Mommy’s Silly Baby: Mommy gets a kick out of her silly baby. Always wanting to show off that cute diaper. It seems like that little diaper butt is always in the air. Squishy and pull of pee for mommy. Mommy just can’t help but laugh at that wiggling backside. There’s nothing better than a silly baby. It’s just so cute the way you always have to flaunt your dirty diaper, just to get mommy’s attention so she can change you. That pissy diaper definitely needs to be changed, but for now mommy is enjoying the little show you are putting on. Always makes mommy smile. Mommy loves to hear your giggles as she reaches into your crib and squeezes your soggy diaper. Mommy will poke you in the ribs and tell you how silly […]
October 16, 2022


BRENDA’S NEPHEW BECOMES HER ADULT BABY!: Tim stomped through his parent’s house, muttering and cursing to himself, his parents gone for the weekend. Just the weekend, and they still felt like he needed someone to come check on him—his aunt, whom he had a small crush on and who was going to be keeping an eye on him! He was in college, for Christ’s sake! Sure, he was small for his age and definitely looked younger than he was, but none of that was good enough to treat him like a child; they should know better. He sighed in aggravation and headed toward his room. At least he knew that Aunt Brenda wouldn’t be showing up till tomorrow, so he could have a bit of fun while he had the house all to himself. He […]